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You can do this for 7 days as directed by your doctor. Changing to cotton panties is another easy way to help control the odor of smelly vaginal discharge. When a woman sweats more, the scent becomes that much more noticeable.

Soak a tampon in diluted apple cider vinegar and insert it in the vagina. Keep it there for no more than an hour and then wash the area with warm water. Rose hips are actually the seeds of the rose plant and they are loaded with vitamin C.
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All readers/viewers of this content are advised to consult their doctors or qualified health professionals regarding specific health questions. It’s important to note the vaginal odor may be a sign of cervical or vaginal cancer. Research shows that foods with strong scents like pepper, garlic, onion, blue cheese, cabbage, asparagus, fish and broccoli tend to have the most impact. This can be an easy fix by simply eliminating that food and seeing if the odor goes away.
To treat vaginal odor, you can also blend the cranberries and drink the juice. It is important to note that patients with irritable bowel disease should not consume the pulp of cranberry. Now, let’s find out the top home remedies for vaginal odor in women. Fortunately, there are some more home remedies you can try to reduce vaginal odor apart from the ones mentioned above. These include stryphnodendron bark, fig, and rose water. Check out the infographic below to learn more home remedies to improve vaginal hygiene along with tips on how to use them.
Cranberry Juice
To ensure the juice is 100% juice, try making your own juice with a juicer at home. Soak 1 tablespoon of fenugreek seeds in the water overnight and drain the water. Do this for 7-10 days to control the vaginal discharge.

Anything out of the ordinary is a sign to talk with a healthcare professional. Remember that the quicker most infections are diagnosed and treated, the less chance there is of long-term complications. When you see a healthcare professional, they’ll likely perform a physical exam, including a pelvic exam. The clinician will also ask several questions about your symptoms, menstrual cycle, and general lifestyle. In many cases, an infection can be detected by a physical or pelvic exam.
Interesting Home Remedies from Our Grandparents That Could Help You
An infusion prepared with its leaves refreshes irritated skin and reduces fungal and bacterial infection. Garlic is a root used to treat many conditions and vaginal discharge is included among them. Are good for stomach problems as well as helping rid you of vaginal discharge as it maintains the health of your vagina. Eat a banana or two a day to restore your vaginal discharge back to normal.

These sprays can lead to irritation and possibly an allergic reaction. Our bodies aren’t able to break down the chemicals that come through the skin. In fact, the skin absorbs these chemicals very quickly because of the thin nature the skin. The chemicals then head right into the bloodstream. The vagina is made to naturally cleanse itself, so interfering with the process is more likely to cause bigger problems for you.
Clear and watery
Vaginal discharge is the fluid consisting of a mix of cervical mucus and vaginal secretions. In this condition, there is a discharge coming from the vagina. The amount of vaginal discharge released may vary among women. Normally, women have to undergo this situation when they are in the middle of their menstruation cycle or during their pregnancy time. Heavy, foul-smelling discharge and pain in the stomach, after sex, or while menstruating or urinating may be signs of pelvic inflammatory disease. Up to half of the people affected have no symptoms.
The changes can make your vagina produce more discharge. Vaginal infection is the second reason why you have a vaginal discharge. Vaginal discharge is the body's way of protecting the vagina from infections. Here’s more about why you might see white discharge before your period.
Try drinking a glass of water mixed with one or two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar daily. This article is for informational purpose only, so you should go to see the doctor immediately if you cannot get better effect from those home remedies. If you have any question, please leave your comments below and I will respond to you soon. Probably, we do not need to worry about the white discharge from vagina.
To wash the exterior folds of the vagina, use a gentle soap that won’t alter pH levels. When the infusion has cooled and is comfortable to the touch, sit in the basin without clothes. Cleanse the whole genital area until the water cools completely. Soak dried figs in a cup of water through the night, blend the figs with some water in the next morning and drink it when your stomach is empty. With the Home Doctor, you can become a “home doc” yourself.
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